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My record of major artistic accomplishments encompasses a wide range of fine arts specializing in printmaking techniques, such as intaglio, lithography, serigraphy, and woodcut. My work has been shown in prestigious museums and galleries in my home country of Costa Rica and in some of the leading International Printmaking Biennales.
I have had extensive experience as a docent on many academic levels ranging from elementary to university, certified in International Baccalaureate (Middle years Program) and IB Personal Project program. My social work stems from my passion for teaching and art; I believe that creativity is essential in helping a person become a productive member of society. In addition, I have extensive knowledge of commercial screen-printing methods.
I’ve had exhibitions in Costa Rica as well as international exhibitions in Portugal, Buffalo NY, Alfred NY, Madison WI, Dallas TX, Berkeley CA and Puerto Rico.
I’m an active member of the Southern Graphics Conference International SGCI, Western New York Book Art Center, Kala Institute and The Rochester Print Club. Where I have exhibited collectively and individually.
I was a printer for artists such as Jacob Kasay, Marlov Barrios, Luciano Goizueta, Fabian Monge, Paz Ulloa among many other important Central American artists.

-2022_ Salón Nacional de Arte

Museo de Arte Costarricense- San Jos, CR

-2021_ 321_0_123

temporal- San Jose CR

-2020_ Quien nos abraza

Satisfactory – San José, CR

-2020_ Cuentos, mitos y leyendas de Latinoamerica

Puertográfica SGCI, Puerto Rico

-2020_ Stay Gold

Burchfield- Penney Art Center – Buffalo, NY

-2019_ Ink and Fiber

Villa Maria College – Buffalo, NY

-2019_ Environs

SUNY Alfred College – Alfred, NY
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

Printmaking show organized by the Rochester Print Club

-2019_ Psychonoclasm

Sugar City – Buffalo NY
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

Psychonoclasm is a portmanteau of psychoanalysis and iconoclasm. In this exhibition, artists from UB’s MFA program combine these two elements in one manner or another, creating a critical and philosophical art practice.

-2019_ Saints, Superheroes, and The Demonized

University of Dallas – Dallas TX
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

Themed portfolio for the Southern Graphics Conference International (SGCI) 2019

-2018_ Matter
Silo City – Buffalo NY
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

Site-based show located in Buffalo’s Silo City and related to the history of the site and its importance to Buffalo’s early life as an industrial city.

-2018_ Re-Writing the master narrative
The Arts + Literature Labs – Madison WI
Artist Participation Selection by competition

The national juried exhibition focused on how printmaking can challenge the paradigms we live with and expand the stories we collectively tell.

-2018_ I’m trying to remember, pero Nunca olvidaré
Western New York Book Art Center – Buffalo NY
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

Collaborative show with artist Kate Mac Neil dealing with the memory of lost loved ones and the mind's ability to cope.

-2018_  Trimania
Trimain Buildind – Buffalo NY
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

TRIMANIA 2018 is an epic celebration of art, culture, and music that’s held every three years, for one night only, in the former manufacturing building that spans two city blocks. Buffalo Arts Studio, with a little help from Tri-Main Center tenants, transforms the six-floor building into a menagerie of culture, featuring live bands, DJs, dancers, poets, visual artists, and performers of all kinds.


Douro, Portugal

Panel of Curators

This exhibition is considered one of the foremost print art shows on the planet composed of 440 artists 440 with 440 prints representing 64 countries.

-2016_ Pop Art Festival
Avenida Escazú - San Jose, Costa Rica
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

The festival showcased original masterpieces by world-renowned artists, such as Andy Warhol and Frank Stella among others. It was a milestone in the movement of abstract expressionism, pop art, and postmodernism delineating a critical parody of consumerism from the 1950s through today.

-2015_ 2nd Global Print Exhibition
Douro Museum, Alijo, Portugal
Artist Participation Determined by a Panel of Curators

This exhibition is considered one of the foremost print art shows on the planet composed of 440 artists 440 with 440 prints representing 64 countries.

Latin American Art Exhibition- San Jose, Costa Rica
Artist Participation Selection by Competition
Premier Caribbean Basin Biennial

Latin American Art Exhibition- San Jose, Costa Rica
Artist Participation Selection by Competition
Premier Caribbean Basin Biennial

-2012_ Condition of the Question!
The National Gallery- San Jose, Costa Rica
Artist Participation Selection by Invitation
Contemporary Costa Rican Printmaking Exhibition

-2010_ Origin of Death Collective Show
Cultural Institute of Mexico- San Jose, Costa Rica
Artist Participation is determined by a Panel of Curators.

One of the regions’ premier printing exhibitions. The theme of this years’ how  was a celebration of “Día de Los Muertos”

-2009_ Pandemic Collective Show
Cultural Institute of Mexico- San Jose, Costa Rica
Artist Participation is determined by a Panel of Curators

One of the regions’ premier printing exhibitions. The theme of this year’s show was to provide a critical view of the pandemic H1N1

-2007_ 100-Year Celebration of the Birth of Francisco Amighetti
Sophia Wanamaker Gallery at the Costa Rican North American Cultural Center- San Jose, Costa Rica
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

-2006_ The Imagery of Don Quixote
Costa Rican Ministry of Culture- San Jose, Costa Rica
The artwork was Selected through a National Contest
Celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Quixote de la Mancha

-2005_ Wood Engraving Exposition
The University of Costa Rica - School of Fine Arts Gallery
Artist Participation by Invitation Only

The goal of the show was to inspire art students and promote new promising artists

2005 - Contemporary Printmaking Show
The National Gallery- San Jose, Costa Rica
Artist Participation by Invitation Only
Contemporary printmaking exhibition

2023 – The “Old” New Normal 
_temporal – San Jose, CR

2019 – The “Old” New Normal
El Museo – Buffalo, NY
Print Installation show discussing the widening gap in Costa Rican economy

2017 – Estampa y Entorno
San Ramón Regional Museum – Alajuela, Costa Rica
Participation by Invitation
Ten year retrospective show of my work.

2016 - Sophia Wanamaker Gallery
Costa Rican North American Cultural Center – San José, Costa Rica
Participation by Invitation
Graphic representations of American Pop Culture: From Animation to Iconography of the 1980s

2016 - Rural/Urbano
Dinorah Bolandi Gallery at the Mélico Salazar Theatre – San José, Costa Rica
Participation Selection by Competition
This exhibition focused on our traditions and imagery

2015 - Superheroes and their urban fictions
Teor/éTica Gallery– San José, Costa Rica
Participation by Competition
The exhibition portrayed street people as superheroes through a satire of urban fiction

2007 - Show Named the "Exposition Without a Name"
1887 Gallery at the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture – San José, Costa Rica
Participation Selection by Invitation
Portrayal of the invisible people of the streets as regarded by our society

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